Last updated on November 10th, 2024
The latest gold price in Burundi in Burundi Franc (BIF) can be seen in all the desired quantities. You can check the Gram, Tola, and Ounce gold rates in Burundi here in 24K, 22K, 20K, 18K, and 14 Karats.
Gold Rate in Burundi Per Gram
Burundi gold price per gram in 24karat, 22Karat, 20Karat, 18Karat, and 14Karats has been shown here in the below table. In Addition, you can also see the BIF to USD spot rate today.
Burundi Gold Rate in Tola
The table below is showing the tola gold rate in Burundi. You can also check today’s high and low rates of gold in Burundi. Moreover, USD to BIF’s current price is also shown. See the below table.
Ounce Gold Price Burundi in BIF
Gold rates live per ounce are shown here below. You can also check how much is 1$ worth in Burundi here in the below table. See the desired prices of gold in 24K 22K, 20K, 18K, and 14K.
Gold Prices in other countries
Does Burundi have gold?
Although Burundi is an underdeveloped country, it’s rich in gold and other expensive minerals. There are many gold mines in the country which provide employment opportunities to the laborers.
Gold Shops in Burundi
There are some gold and other jewelry stores in Burundi where you can buy jewelry:
Khalifah Jewelry Store
Address: Bd Mwezi Gisabo RN3, Bujumbura, Burundi
Margaux Wong
Address: Avenue de la Tanzanie Bujumbura, Burundi
Phone: +257 68 23 19 83
Bijouterie La Différence
Address: J9G8+4M2, 2ème Ave, Bujumbura, Burundi
Phone: +257 79 98 16 84
Bijouterie au Top Rendez-Vous
Address: J997+9F3, Bujumbura, Burundi